About Me

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Hi all, my name is Daniel, I’ve been fighting a rare form of cancer called Chordoma now for 10 years and it has greatly affected my life in many, many ways. I am now needing 24 hour care and now live in a care support community with that 24 hour support and care that I need. I am a nice guy with a loving and outgoing personality. I have been described by friends and the herald sun as -funny -bright -articulate -would be everyone's favourite nephew! My cancer is a rare tumour at the base of my skull. In 2001 I suffered a stroke when I was 16 that have caused me to be very unbalanced on my feet. I do have a few minor physical problems now also and require 24 hour ventilation to keep breathing; I am using a pacemaker device for my diaphragm (diaphragmatic pacing) during my hours awake and a ventilator when asleep. I am finally out of hospital and managing well with the help I get. I am Italian...yes even with the red hair! I love music and anything to do with it. I love movies to, my family, my friends and my faith in God is very important to me and is what I believe is getting me through this dreadful journey in life.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

High 5!

This is me at 1:30 with my cheeky nurse Lee (i will explain why later!)

I sneekd in a photo of mum (she didnt want her picture taken!) maybe she is looking to the heavens and being thankful or just looking at the monitors!

The nurses have now removed most of they put in me for the surgery... I really have to tell you this quick story! when the nurse removed the urine catheter (only put in for the surgery) she tickled my feet! hahahaha! it made the process easier to bare! Ive got to go now, they are taking me up to the ward for the overnight stay, I should be having an MRI scan tomorrow. All is good! till next time, ciaoooooooooooooooo!!

I can hear again!

I can hear! I can hear again! Mum took this photo! Its the morning after surgery all is well, I am texting from my phone again. I am already off the ventilator and on my diaphram pacing, pain levels are good. I still cant talk coz of...well I will leave it at still cant talk for now! Till next time, ciaooooooo!!
Hi all, surgery went well! I hope this text comes through, I think I changed the setting. I was overwhelmed, so happy and amazed to recieve so many good wishes. I showed mum and she is to. What a strange but wonderful world we live in! I am alive and moving normal, attached to so many machines though for now. Ive been sleeping so havent seen my surgeon today and mum is busy getting my meds ready with the nurses. I cant wait to give Dr Teo a high five in the morning! I AM ALIVE AND WELL, HEARING SEEMS OK...WILL KNOW MORE IN A FEW DAYS!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tomorrows Surgery

I am in Sydney at the moment, we just saw Dr Teo (my surgeon) coz I am to go through another surgery to remove more tumor that is affecting my hearing...I can barely hear at the moment, I really don't want to become deaf on top of everything else - that will greatly affect my quality of life. So much is happening at the moment its difficult to explain it all with a text message. Dr Teo is happy and amazed as to how I am doing, I did tell him how hard we have had to fight hard to get to where I am now and I ain't stopping now! I am at the moment being admitted to the intensive care unit the night before my surgery because of the bad way my case manager basically scared the management here into thinking how very bad I supposedly am with the diaphragm pacing etc, they thought I was must have been almost a vegetable. I am still walking and talking enjoying life with my coffee making skills, movie watching, djing music loving friendly kind of guy!! Will add an update soon when I get my laptop. (this short message was texted from my phone earlier today, I was hoping it will go straight on my blog, but it went to drafts...I am still getting the hang of using this!)

Since then I have settled in and overcome the problems in melbourne I was having with getting an MRI scan done to check on my tumors but they didnt want to do it coz of the pacing even though the doctor that invented it and the guy who built the boxes wrote letters to them...maybe some nuts and bolts are missing in their brains coz the doctors in sydney are ok with doing the scan, I just have to be under a general anesthetic and ventilator as if I was having an operation done. so the scan will be done first thing in the morning and Dr Teo will do his best in removin as much tumor as he can but safely with out causing any further deterioration. I said to him I appreciate anything he can do for me.

We had a great hug and catch up. he told the other 2 surgeons from Vietnam in there all about me, my dirty jokes past and all the fun we have had over the years. He asked me to get for him the Steve Martin movie 'man with two brains' where Steve plays a neurosurgeon. I am downloading that as we speak! to end this post I want to mention my mother and the amazing best mum in the world she is. She has done so much (yet again) to get me here and is doing so much (yet again) in making sure things go well and I am understood...she is great at playing my interpreter!

I am scared...very scared about the surgery but I try (very hard) not to think about it because it is something I believe that really needs to be done and I really trust and believe in Dr Teo's ability's that all will be fine. There is also a huge added bonus on my side...the prayers and support of so many people, God and so many of the angels and saints.

Till next time (after the surgery)

- Daniel :-)

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Good Night/Bad Night

This is the way I finally decide to start my blog! So many people have said 'it's a good idea to do a blog, tell your story, write a book'! I am just thinking of a very good freind of mine, when I ask her how she is doing she has always said to me...'same shit, different day!' In my life, in a way that's so true, but over the past 3 years or so it's been different...very different in a way I am finding difficult to share with people coz once an event is over...it's over! I thought of starting my blog in so many different ways, now it's a s new way, In the early hours 4am) of the morning when I have woken up sitting at my desk still but with my ventilator on, my carer must have put it on me coz I have to sleep with my ventilator on otherwise there coulbe major complications which I am sure you will find out in later posts, I just let my mind wander a bit and out comes words I am typing slowly with one hand (because my right hand is paralized). I am slowly updating how many more surgery's and how I have had and addapted to my new disabilities in another file I will post once its done, but as you can see clearly my life now is jam packed with events or 'episodes' as the doctors have called some of them. I will tell you how close to death I have been many times, how scared I have been and how scared I am every single day of my life but overcome it...my faith in God is a HUGE part of that, not that I* am gonna start preching or singing 'Alleluiaaaaaaa' My fairh is or has become very private. I hope to tell inspirational true story's. I have meeet so many amazing people butt have seen so so muh suffering around me, sooooooo much, some has affected me good, some has affected me bad...there just seems to be so much suffering and it seems to be getting worse with the number of people with cancer and other life changing diseases. I always ask... when is it going to end?

It is very very late and I now feel I can keep on slowly typing away! but I must get back to sleep now (hopefully in bed!) otherwise I will have a shit day! oh...I had a good day today though, did things I havent done in a lont time and made so many coffee's and mocha's for people ...spoiling them with , one of the things I love to do in my new home away from home in Thornbury. I will share those story's next time at a better time when I have more time!

Daniel :-)